Saturday, August 23, 2008

Journal Excerpts 8/08

It seems that my previous post is not formatting the way I have it in the original Word file. Being a novice at this whole blog/internet thing, I have yet to make my post look the way it's supposed to from the "Create New Post" window. Two weeks ago I posed in my new Victorian outfit and arranged a photo shoot with 2 fabulous portrait photographers from AIB. I'm awaiting the results and will post them here next week. Wearing the long skirt, puffy, high-collared blouse and snug vest made me feel very lady-like and proper. I wanted to speak differently, as if acting like an 18th century aristocrat. Without a corset I didn't feel as over-heated with all of the clothing as I originally thought. By the end of the 4 hours though, I was indeed exhausted as the skirt was heavy to drag around. I have a new appreciation for actors as well. I wanted to express fear, anger and frustration in the different poses from my story board, but had a hard time feeling the emotions intensely. The toy snake was more cute than frightening, and it was difficult not to laugh and be silly. While waiting for the final photos, I've been working on my scary Victorian wallpaper. I've posted a scan of the original drawing that will be used for a border on the wall. Next week I'll post photos of the rest of the wallpaper as I finish it.


Lynda Schlosberg said...

Hey Melissa!

I'm not sure where you're headed, but I'm interested to see where it all goes. The wallpaper, the snake, the victorian clothes/portrait/poses, you've got my interest...

Keep going girl!


Captain Kulig said...

Thanks for the encouragement Lynda! Something is definitely happening...

Unknown said...

wow melissa. thanks for the invite. carolyn showed me briefly. i want to keep tabs on you. glad to see your snakes are evolving. really really good shit. janet

Anonymous said...

IT is clearly a struggle between Catholic sexual repression and the desire for wanton sensuality.
