Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Semi-Large Drawings



Anonymous said...



Knives, Fire & Fun said...

Oh wow, you're getting into seriously creepy stuff. If I hadn't seen the photos, I would never have known you were your own source material.

Captain Kulig said...

Thanks for commenting folks! Stay tuned...am working on a new "wallpaper border" much like the one several posts down (look closely and you'll see that penis!)

Anonymous said...

Love the distorted imagery, and thought process behind these works. It is interesting to see the process you're going through in exploring your fear of snakes in this way.

Leigh said...

The one on the right makes me think of Lewis Carroll.

Cynthia Hauk said...

Hi Melissa,

Thanks again for coming to Belmont's Art Night! It was great seeing you, as always.

I took a look at your early work, and I can see the common thread with your new work like we were discussing, but wow I can really see the progression in your work also! Your early mixed media works could pass as a different artist's work!

I hope the thesis writing is going well! I saw you finished your 3rd draft! Yay! I'm working on my 3rd paper of the semester for me, and have been busy the last few days editing photos! Printing here I come!

Talk w/you soon. Good luck w/your thesis and work!

:) Cynthia